Committed to Splatsin by helping preserve, teach, and document Secwepemctsin and Splatsin Culture
As our resource library grows, we have many language learning tools to help everyone learn the Splatsin Eastern Dialect of our community. Here you will find useful lessons through the FirstVoices website as well as short videos and publications by our Splatsin Tsm7aksaltn media team that show the language in practise. The FirstVoices Language Archive contains thousands of text entries in many diverse Aboriginal writing systems, enhanced with sounds, pictures and videos.
Many of our DVDs can also be viewed through our Video Gallery or on Youtube at our Splatsin Tsm7aksaltn Channel.
Digital Library
We are continually converting video tapes and photographs and adding them to our ever developing digital library. It is our goal to someday have all this material available on-line for our community to have access to and learn from. As we grow we will continue to post material such as video documentation and photographs of activities on our website. We will also keep our community posted as to the latest DVDs, CDs and publications available to enhance language education.
Our most recently published books are: My Roots, My Stk'alap and How the Salmon Came to the BC Interior. These books are available at no charge to Splatsin community members and those wishing to learn the Splatsin Eastern Dialect. Please contact us to pick up your copy. Each book contains a read-along CD that can be played either on a computer or CD player. Our Language Program is currently translating many books into the Splatsin language. These books will be available on audio in the near future
Success by 6 Books:
Sam all ra Qa7tses (Sam and his Dad)
Sqla7wallp mt’a Snxo~xwlucw (Bear and Coyote)
Counting and Colors in Shuswap
My Roots
Welcome to Splatsin: pamphlet
How the Salmon Came to the BC Interior
Sounds of the Secwepemc: DVD and booklet
Ma7 Sprani ra Kia7a (Going to Kia7as House)
Come play, sing with the Kia7as
Splatsin Indian Name Giving Ceremony (compilation of 4 yrs)
Online Video Shorts:
Salmon Release June 2012
Sunflower Picnic May 2012
Rick Hansen Relay April 2012
Splatsin Language - Common Phrases
What Will I Wear
My Roots (the video)
Choke Cherries
We welcome you to learn Secwepemctsin
We host our language learning lessons and community content on our youtube page
In documenting our language we have created an online dictionary through First Voices
First Voices is a resource for learning our language of Eastern Secwepemctsin
FirstVoices hosts a suite of web-based tools and services designed to support Aboriginal people engaged in language archiving, language teaching & culture revitalization.
A companion set of interactive online games is designed to present the archived FirstVoices language data in creative learning activities.
Some language archives at FirstVoices are publicly accessible, while others are password protected at the request of the language community.
You can learn our stories in Secwepemctsin through our Augmented Reality story book app Tuwitames - download the app and try it out!